100% Grower Owned
Our Grower-owned cooperative structure means we can be truly single minded about what we’re here to achieve…The success of Grower Shareholders.
If it’s important to growers, it’s important to us.
Growers who pack their kiwifruit with EastPack are required to become shareholders and hold Ordinary Shares.
Ordinary Shares
An Ordinary Share has no nominal value, so the value will be what a willing seller and willing buyer would exchange at. As with any market, the value of the share can vary depending on market conditions and company performance. At 31 December 2022 the Net Tangible Assets (NTA) per fully paid share was $1.82.
Shareholders may earn a dividend on the shares that are held and fully paid.
There are rules around shareholding which are detailed in the company's Product Disclosure Statement, which can be found here.
A copy of the Constitution, which was updated 17 May 2023, can be found here.
Computershare is the Registrar for EastPack shares.
The key points about being an EastPack shareholder are:
Share Standard
A share standard has been set as one Ordinary Share for every tray of Class 1 kiwifruit supplied to EastPack by the Grower. This is quantified by averaging the three highest annual volumes from the previous four years' production.
Minimum Shareholding Requirement
Growers are required to hold a minimum shareholding of 1 share for every class 1 tray of their production that is packed with EastPack.
Acquiring Shares
Required shares can be acquired via the following options (or a mix of options):
- Growers can acquire shares over time through the annual Shareholder rebate mechanism deducted from their annual fruit payments. For the 2024 season, all growers will receive a rebate on their packing charges of 20 cents per tray. An undershared grower will have their rebate converted into shares at the end of the season at the share price. A fully shared grower will receive their rebate in cash.
- Growers can acquire their required shareholding by purchasing shares on the EastPack Share Market. (see Purchase and Sale of Shares below)
- Growers can build up their shareholding by electing to reinvest dividends received on some or all of their existing shares into additional shares. (see Dividend Reinvestment Plan below)
- Where a grower purchases a new orchard and the vendor holds EastPack shares, the purchaser can acquire the EastPack shares from the vendor as part of the sale and purchase process if they wish to continue packing that orchard with EastPack. The purchaser or vendor can obtain an Off-market Transfer Form from the Company Administrator.
Purchase and Sale of Shares
Growers may be able to purchase and sell shares through ShareMart, a secondary market trading platform for unlisted securities.
Details of how to buy and sell shares on ShareMart can be found by clicking the button below: