EastPack Entity Trust

EastPack Entity Trust (EET) is an independent Trust which administers the distribution of Grower funds.  Zespri fruit and incentive payments are made to EET, and EET distribute these payments to growers after deducting charges for packing, coolstorage and other services to EastPack.

EET has rules in place to ensure the fair and equitable distribution of funds to growers and distributes Zespri funds in a manner that may be different to Zespri's payments (for example, fruit loss risk is shared between EET growers).

The EET Forum is made up to Eighteen growers who are elected or appointed to the forum, to represent all major growing regions and grower groups. EastPack Forum meetings are held approximately every two months. The advisors receive full financial reports and discuss, formulate and recommend pool policy, as well as other grower services.

EET Forum Advisors adhere to and promote the following guiding principles:

  • EET Pool will be operated and funds distributed in a way that will encourage good grower practice and decision making, and to allow delivery of sound fruit throughout the entire season and to maximise overall grower orchard gate returns
  • Be transparent and accountable
  • Operate in a fair and ethical way
  • Ensure rules allow fair cash flow distribution across all stakeholders
  • Commit to understanding Industry matters
  • Be a leader and promote a grower centric culture

A contract has been established between EET and EastPack outlining, in precise detail, the payment of services that EastPack carries out on behalf of EET and its growers (coolstorage, condition checking etc).

EastPack is only paid time service and base charges for trays that are shipped. This ensures a management focus on inventory management and storage. This focus enables the business to minimise fruit loss, capitalise on storage payments and maximise grower returns.

The current chairman of the EastPack Entity Trust Forum is Robert Humphries.  

Robert can be contacted on 021 245 1174 or [email protected]

The current forum members representing each region are as follows:



 Phone Number

Brigid Crawford 027 556 7568
John Bourke 027 477 6184
John Gibson 027 337 2394
Malkit Singh 021 023 47129
Mark Thompson 022 565 6275
Murray Holmes 027 573 7695
Rikki James 027 254 1080
Robert Humphries (Chair) 021 245 1174
Ruan Nunes 027 612 7452
Sam Coxhead 021 901 003
Sandi Clink 021 155 4505
Seth Pardoe 027 234 3246
Simon Pieters 027 254 1020
Tim Torr 027 846 8677



 Phone Number

Steve Trebilco         027 254 2277




 Phone Number

Aaron Mallett            027 380 6718




 Phone Number

Wayne Hall 027 648 7750


The Trust has a financial year that ends on June 30 each year.  The latest financial statements for the Trust can be found here.